News | Hotel “Central” of Barnaul

New rules for visiting the hotel

Dear guests, important news!
Decree of the Governor of the Altay Territory dated 03/31/2020 No. 44 “On certain measures to prevent the import and spread of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19” (as amended on 10/27/2021) new restrictions on the work of hotels of the Altay Territory were introduced.

From November 15, when visiting the hotel “Central”, we will ask You to present not only Your passport, but also one of the following documents: — QR code of COVID-19 vaccine — QR code about the transferred COVID-19 within 6 months — The medical document confirming contraindications to vaccination against COVID-19 with a negative PCR test

You can present the QR code in paper form or on a digital device.

We wish You Siberian health and look forward to meeting You!

Booking success

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